Who are we?

Kenilworth Science and Technology Academy is an open-enrollment, public charter school serving K through 8th grades. 


The mission of Kenilworth Science and Technology Academy will be to create a safe, healthy,

and student-centered learning environment that cultivates the knowledge, skills, and

competence in computer science necessary for academic excellence, STEM careers, and

character development.


Kenilworth Science and Technology Academy’s vision is to prepare students for high school,

college, and competitive career opportunities through an innovative approach, computer science

education for all, and a challenging STEM-focused curriculum with the goal of empowering

students to become productive and responsible citizens. Our mission and vision are essential to

driving our students’ success. Furthermore, we recognize a need for a pathway to academic

excellence and a STEM-focused curriculum with computer science education that will increase

future college and job opportunities for a population of students who are historically



Why Kenilworth?



Kenilworth teachers are expected to be professional, positive, and dedicated





Skills and Abilities: 


